This badge pretty much says it all. lol. Again, don't know if I exactly qualify for this but thank you. :D A few of my friends are nominated... I nominated a couple of people... other awesome blogs are nominated. I'd highly recommend checking out the entire list of nominees. I've found some new friends and blogs to follow, and vice versa, thanks to the list. I love how the world of Catholic bloggers is getting smaller and smaller. I'm surprised no one's formed a union yet... even if it's for kicks and giggles.
I don't know if you've heard or not, but First Communion Stories is having a contest. All you have to do is share your real life communion story by May 31st. Even if they weren't having a contest, I would submit my first communion story because I had a beautiful first communion. Without going into a lot of detail (I am saving that for my entry), I had a pretty unique first communion. We had the service inside a large tent because our parish was destroyed during the 1994 Northridge Earthquake. In fact, we had our Masses inside that tent until our parish was rebuilt. We also had to finish our first communion classes at a neighboring parish that wasn't as damaged as ours was. Anyway, despite everything, we had a beautiful Mass that filled us all with love, joy, and every wonderful emotion you can feel during a Mass. I will write the story, in detail and with pictures, and submit it to First Communion Stories soon. I'll let y'all know when so y'all can go read it. :)
Before I go, I want to give y'all a little update on my dad. First off, I want to say a big "THANK YOU" to all of you who have had him in your prayers. I appreciate it, from the bottom of my heart. As some of you know, I'm been trying to get him to go to the doctor's for weeks. I have resumed my role as "caretaker" while he is sick. As a good friend pointed out, this could be my vocation (taking care of the sick) but I'm squeamish and hate the sight of blood and open wounds so it would never work out as a career. lol. I'm only that way with strangers, though. If I need to take care of a family member or friend, I can stomach things easier... I don't know why. Anyway, since I couldn't convince him on my own, mom and I teamed up and finally convinced him last night. Thank you, God! So now I have to make sure he follows through with the visits. I am also praying that his cancer hasn't come back and that it's just liver problems (which could be "fixed" much easier). I have a feeling I won't be able to go to tomorrow's Mass at St. Victor's because I take the "night shift" when my dad's sick and mom has to work the next morning. I've already canceled many plans I had. We'll see though. I'm not going to alter any of my long term plans, though. If, when the time comes, it looks like I'll have to take another semester off to take care of dad, I will. It does bum me out that it's taken me 6 years (on and off) to finish my degree but my dad's more important than a diploma.
Anyway, I'm gonna go. I'm starting to feel a lot of pain, so I'm going to go take two Advils and take a nap before my "shift" begins. :)
As always, thanks for reading and God Bless. :)