I hope all my fellow Americans (wow, sounds like the beginning of a speech) had a great Thanksgiving yesterday! I wanted to make a post but I was stuck in bed with a cold. I can't complain too much though. Yes, I did feel gross, I was all achy, and all I spent nearly 2 days in bed... but I got caught up on my prayers and I got a head start on my History of World Religions paper. That one is due tonight (eesh!).
I am skipping on today's big sales because I'm not fully recovered from my cold and it's (finally!) cold outside and I have to write that 10 page research paper on the sacred art of 3 different religions. I have 4 BIG art history books to go through. I'm just thankful that my Philosophy of Logic professor spared us work yesterday.
You know what else I'm thankful for (in the past year)? My amazing parents. My overprotective older brothers and sister -- and their families. Both of my younger adoptive sisters (one of whom gave me a blog award that I will post next time :D. Thanks D!). My friends who are like family (which consists of virtually all my friends; many of whom have asked my mom to adopt them, lol.) That my father was able to beat his cancer for the second time. That one of my best friend was able to beat her ovarian cancer. That everyone is happy and healthy. That I've been healthier than I have been in years. Most importantly, I am thankful for everything God has done for us. I am grateful that I've been able to get closer to God and have been able to do the same to my parents. You guys have NO idea how happy I am that my parents have started praying and going to Mass more often! I could continue the list but it would get much longer and I still have to work on my paper. lol.
Oh, and I'm also thankful for iTunes, and cell phones, and books, and digital cable, and TCM (Turner Classic Movies), and french fries, and Mexican food, and airplanes which take me to different countries, and laughing babies, and babies named Charlie who bite their brothers' fingers... HAHA. I'm not (entirely) serious here. :D
Alright, I should go work on my paper, but before I do, I will leave you with a video I thought was so awesome. During YouTube Live (yeah, I missed it) they had a lot of big youtube names performing. One of them was DJ Mike Relm and he remixed two videos that were HUGE on youtube. The second remixed video is probably my favorite.
Okay, back to work. :D Oh yeah, and if you haven't vote on the poll, please do so. It ends tomorrow night. :D
As always, thanks for reading and God Bless.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
What Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Has Taught Me

For the past week, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati's name has constantly been on my mind. I don't remember how his name came up (I'd only heard it once before when they announced the patron saints for this year's World Youth Day) but I've had this inexplicable (pretty intense) desire to learn as much as I can about him and his life's work. It's similar to how I felt about St. Teresa of Avila almost a year ago.. Anyway, I have been researching (because not a lot of people have heard of it) and I've come to find that the things he did during his short life are things that I did as a child, or that I've wanted to do. The main thing is giving to those less fortunate. With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, I have made a decision which will no doubt leave tension in the household.
Ever since I was a little girl, it has always pained (yes, pained) me to see homeless people. On one of our trips to Mexico, when I was about 11 years old, there was a woman asking for money. She looked at us eating and I felt so bad that I gave her my peanuts. Granted, it wasn't much but it was all I had. She was grateful for it... but, boy, did I get made fun of by my family (one person in particular). That's something I've had to deal with: either get made fun of for what I do or get a lecture, followed by the silent treatment, for trying to help. I spoke to my mom about this on Saturday night and I told her I was determined to donate at least *certain amount of dollars* worth of food to our local parish's Food Drive. I know I'm probably going to get scolded at and there will be unpleasantness for a few days but I have to do this.
I've wanted to for a long time but I've never had the money to do it. So, instead of spoiling myself for the holidays (I do NOT need to spend more money on iTunes or amazon.com; nor do I need an iPod -- which I've never owned), I'm going to donate money and food. I will donate clothing, if I get the time to go through my stuff before the Christmas deadlines. I've always been afraid of the "consequences" that would come from doing this, mainly because it would be going against one of my parent's wishes and thus I'd be disobeying a parent, but I cannot consciously continue to be scared of what they will say/do. Now that I'm an adult (whoa, scary thought!), and have more resources, I'm going to follow Blessed Pier Giorgio's example and help those who are in need. Maybe that's why he's been on my mind so much lately. Honestly, I did not know much about him up until a week ago.
I'm very grateful that I have been able to learn a little bit about him. I haven't even scratched the surface yet. He's already inspired me to do more for others, as well as get the courage to do it. I mean, he did so much for so many people in his short 24 years on this earth, and shared the wealth he was born into... it's amazing. He's definitely someone to look up to. And to think he was only a little over a year older than I am now when he passed away, it's very sad. Sad, but he's up in Heaven and that makes me smile. :D
Alright, well, I should probably go work on my English Lit critical analysis of "Paradise of Lost", as well as study for today's Philosophy of Logic exam. Oh boy... lol. :D
OH!... and don't forget to vote to this blog's patron saint! Only 5 more days left to do it. And, hey, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati is one of the saints (in his case, future saint) to be on the list. Just saying... lol.
As always, thanks for reading and God Bless! :D
Saturday, November 22, 2008
St. Cecilia; Novena Keeps Working
Happy St. Cecilia Feast Day! St. Cecilia holds a special place in my heart. Since they don't have confirmation saints in Mexico (where I was confirmed; the only Sacrament of Christian initiation I didn't receive in Los Angeles), I consider St. Cecilia my confirmation patron saint; because I was confirmed at a church of which she is patron saint. (If you've read the blog long enough you've heard how I would've preferred to wait to do my confirmation here in L.A. when I was older, instead of doing it at around 13... so I won't repeat it.) She has an amazing story.
Taken from the SQPN St. Cecilia page:
"Cultivated young patrician woman whose ancestors loomed large in Rome's history. She vowed her virginity to God, but her parents married her to Valerian of Trastevere. Cecilia told her new husband that she was accompanied by an angel, but in order to see it, he must be purified. He agreed to the purification, and was baptized; returning from the ceremony, he found her in prayer accompanied by a praying angel. The angel placed a crown on each of their heads, and offered Valerian a favor; the new convert asked that his brother be baptized.
The two brothers developed a ministry of giving proper burial to martyred Christians. In their turn they were arrested and martyred for their faith. Cecilia buried them at her villa on the Apprian Way, and was arrested for the action. She was ordered to sacrifice to false gods; when she refused, she was martyred in her turn.
The Acta of Cecilia includes the following: "While the profane music of her wedding was heard, Cecilia was singing in her heart a hymn of love for Jesus, her true spouse." It was this phrase that led to her association with music, singers, musicians, etc."
I love St. Cecilia! I truly do. :) I think the fact that she's the patron saint of musicians and singers, and the fact I'm so passionate about music -- and used to be a singer around the time I did my confirmation, is perfect. Oh man! I just realized something about the female protagonist in my novel that has a connection to St. Cecilia. Whoa, I didn't even do it purposely! That's so cool! *goes off into own thoughts*
Okay, coming back to reality... lol... I can attest that the Infant Jesus of Prague novena that I mentioned yesterday definitely worked! The real test was last night. If I don't eat properly a few hours before bed, I will NOT make it more than 4 hours through the night. I went to sleep at nearly 2 in the morning (watching a movie... heehee) and woke up a bit after 9 a.m... and I wasn't feeling sick like I would've normally felt. YES! :D
Alright, well, I am going to go do something productive. Don't know if that means homework or working on the novel, but it'll be one or the other. :D
As always, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D
P.S. Have you voted on the poll yet? You should, if you haven't!
Taken from the SQPN St. Cecilia page:
"Cultivated young patrician woman whose ancestors loomed large in Rome's history. She vowed her virginity to God, but her parents married her to Valerian of Trastevere. Cecilia told her new husband that she was accompanied by an angel, but in order to see it, he must be purified. He agreed to the purification, and was baptized; returning from the ceremony, he found her in prayer accompanied by a praying angel. The angel placed a crown on each of their heads, and offered Valerian a favor; the new convert asked that his brother be baptized.
The two brothers developed a ministry of giving proper burial to martyred Christians. In their turn they were arrested and martyred for their faith. Cecilia buried them at her villa on the Apprian Way, and was arrested for the action. She was ordered to sacrifice to false gods; when she refused, she was martyred in her turn.
The Acta of Cecilia includes the following: "While the profane music of her wedding was heard, Cecilia was singing in her heart a hymn of love for Jesus, her true spouse." It was this phrase that led to her association with music, singers, musicians, etc."
I love St. Cecilia! I truly do. :) I think the fact that she's the patron saint of musicians and singers, and the fact I'm so passionate about music -- and used to be a singer around the time I did my confirmation, is perfect. Oh man! I just realized something about the female protagonist in my novel that has a connection to St. Cecilia. Whoa, I didn't even do it purposely! That's so cool! *goes off into own thoughts*
Okay, coming back to reality... lol... I can attest that the Infant Jesus of Prague novena that I mentioned yesterday definitely worked! The real test was last night. If I don't eat properly a few hours before bed, I will NOT make it more than 4 hours through the night. I went to sleep at nearly 2 in the morning (watching a movie... heehee) and woke up a bit after 9 a.m... and I wasn't feeling sick like I would've normally felt. YES! :D
Alright, well, I am going to go do something productive. Don't know if that means homework or working on the novel, but it'll be one or the other. :D
As always, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D
P.S. Have you voted on the poll yet? You should, if you haven't!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Infant Jesus of Prague; Novel News: I Have the Ending!
How amazing is the novena to Infant Jesus of Prague (I often just call him Infant of Prague)? I've prayed it about 3 times when I was really in need and it's never failed me. I prayed it again today because I had to fast for over 24 hours and I don't do well when I fast. I have to eat every couple of hours or else I get sick. I love that this prayer lasts 9 hours instead of 9 days because sometimes you need your prayer quickly. I would've done the 9 day novena but I didn't even know when I had to fast until the day of so... yeah. It's truly come through for me. I feel better than most other times I've attempted to fast. I also prayed it a couple of weeks ago and it came through for me in a big way. So, if you're ever in need of an urgent intercession, you can always count on the novena of the Infant of Prague. Here's the prayer in case any of you need it:
This prayer is recited at the same time every hour for nine consecutive hours in one day.
O Jesus, You have said, "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you." Through the intercession of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I knock, I seek, I ask that my prayer be granted.
(Make your request)
O Jesus, You have said, "All that you ask of the Father in My Name, He will grant you." Through the intercession of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I humbly and urgently ask Your Father in Your Name that my prayer be granted.
(Make your request)
O Jesus, you have said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away but My word shall not pass." Through the intercession of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I feel confident that my prayer will be granted.
(Make your request)
I have such a devotion to the Infant of Prague. I've always loved the different depictions of Jesus as a child; even when I was little and loved the Santo Niño de Atocha (which I have written several posts about before.) :D I dedicated a thanks giving Mass for Him and for St. Timothy coming up this Sunday. Hope I'm well enough to make it to it! :D
Ooh, I have exciting (well, at least for me! lol) news. I finally have an ending to the novel I'm writing! WHOO! I have part of it written already. I also have most of the songs that go with the novel. See, I'm making it a little more interactive and there are certain songs (which are mentioned throughout the novel) that go with a particular scene. At the moment, it looks like Mute Math's "OK" will be the theme song for the entire novel, or at the very least the ending. Did I just give something away? Maaaybee... :D lol.
Alright, well, I think I will try to sleep early. The earlier I sleep, the sooner I wake up and the sooner I can eat properly again! Oh man, I miss food. lol. :D
Hope everyone has a great weekend. Oh, and don't forget to vote for which saint (saints) you would like to see as the patron saint of this blog. Remember, you can vote for as many saints as you'd like. :D
As always, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D
This prayer is recited at the same time every hour for nine consecutive hours in one day.
O Jesus, You have said, "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you." Through the intercession of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I knock, I seek, I ask that my prayer be granted.
(Make your request)
O Jesus, You have said, "All that you ask of the Father in My Name, He will grant you." Through the intercession of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I humbly and urgently ask Your Father in Your Name that my prayer be granted.
(Make your request)
O Jesus, you have said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away but My word shall not pass." Through the intercession of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I feel confident that my prayer will be granted.
(Make your request)
I have such a devotion to the Infant of Prague. I've always loved the different depictions of Jesus as a child; even when I was little and loved the Santo Niño de Atocha (which I have written several posts about before.) :D I dedicated a thanks giving Mass for Him and for St. Timothy coming up this Sunday. Hope I'm well enough to make it to it! :D
Ooh, I have exciting (well, at least for me! lol) news. I finally have an ending to the novel I'm writing! WHOO! I have part of it written already. I also have most of the songs that go with the novel. See, I'm making it a little more interactive and there are certain songs (which are mentioned throughout the novel) that go with a particular scene. At the moment, it looks like Mute Math's "OK" will be the theme song for the entire novel, or at the very least the ending. Did I just give something away? Maaaybee... :D lol.
Alright, well, I think I will try to sleep early. The earlier I sleep, the sooner I wake up and the sooner I can eat properly again! Oh man, I miss food. lol. :D
Hope everyone has a great weekend. Oh, and don't forget to vote for which saint (saints) you would like to see as the patron saint of this blog. Remember, you can vote for as many saints as you'd like. :D
As always, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D
Thursday, November 20, 2008
When and Why Do YOU Pray?; Patron Saint of this Blog
While one of my very best friends searches this blog for clues as to where I might have my Christmas wish list hidden... (I am not telling you! :D), I decided to update the blog. Whoo-hoo! :D
You know, I woke up feeling fatigued and just gross, and it got me thinking "Oh no, I hope I am not getting another cold, or flu, because I can't afford to be sick... especially during the last weeks of school." Then I was thinking about how I have amazing friends who have been praying for me and my anxiety (which has lessened SO MUCH in the past two days). That led to questioning myself... "When do YOU actually pray?" I haven't been praying as often as I probably should. I have been super busy with school (10 page History research paper AND the entire "Paradise Lost" for English Lit, anyone?) but that shouldn't be an excuse. While I was making breakfast this morning, I remembered this question on some quiz that I took ages ago. It asked when you prayed or how religious are you? One of the options was "Whenever I'm sick/there's a natural disaster." That made me realize that some of us *points to self* are occasionally selfish with their prayers. I will admit that I tend to do more praying when I am sick... and it should be the other way around. I do pray that I find the strength to get over whatever illness I have... but I do also pray for others when I can.
About a week and a half ago, our next door neighbors were arguing at full volume... at 1 in the morning. I was upset because I had to wake up early that morning, but that changed to feeling bad that they were fighting. So, I started to pray to God to help them resolve whatever it was they were fighting about... and it stopped pretty soon after. I have to admit, that prayer was both selfish and unselfish at the same time. If it had happened in the day, it would've been more unselfish. The point of this example is that... just like I prayed during that time when it was needed, a lot of us do the same thing. Maybe not the same situation, but same concept.
I am often in awe of my little (adoptive) sister who often asks "How can I be praying for you?" She might be going through some really difficult situations but she always manages to finds time to pray for others. I think we should all try to be a little more like that. Even if we're all doing very well, and so are all of our friends and family, there's always something to pray for... or to pray to say thanks. Don't just pray while there's a crisis, or when you're in need of the Lord (which is when the majority of us do it -- come on, admit it)... pray just to thank Him for everything He's provided for you.
I am going to set a specific time every day to thank God for my amazing parents, family, and friends. I will also thank all the saints who have interceded for me over the years -- whether I asked for their intercession, or others did. I will feel much better doing this, than just praying when I need to.
Moving... I actually want to do something kind of fun with the readers of my blog. I want everyone (who wants to participate) to pick the patron saint of this blog. I will be putting up a poll on the left where you can vote for whom you'd like to see as the patron saint of this blog. I will have the poll open (hopefully) until the end of this month so we can have a patron saint next month (which will also be the 1 year anniversary of this blog. :D). So, go ahead and vote! You can vote for as many as you'd like. And if you know of others that read this blog, please let them know about it! :D
Alright, well, I should probably get to work on my massive amounts of homework. I won't complain because there's no reason to, really. :D
As always, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D
You know, I woke up feeling fatigued and just gross, and it got me thinking "Oh no, I hope I am not getting another cold, or flu, because I can't afford to be sick... especially during the last weeks of school." Then I was thinking about how I have amazing friends who have been praying for me and my anxiety (which has lessened SO MUCH in the past two days). That led to questioning myself... "When do YOU actually pray?" I haven't been praying as often as I probably should. I have been super busy with school (10 page History research paper AND the entire "Paradise Lost" for English Lit, anyone?) but that shouldn't be an excuse. While I was making breakfast this morning, I remembered this question on some quiz that I took ages ago. It asked when you prayed or how religious are you? One of the options was "Whenever I'm sick/there's a natural disaster." That made me realize that some of us *points to self* are occasionally selfish with their prayers. I will admit that I tend to do more praying when I am sick... and it should be the other way around. I do pray that I find the strength to get over whatever illness I have... but I do also pray for others when I can.
About a week and a half ago, our next door neighbors were arguing at full volume... at 1 in the morning. I was upset because I had to wake up early that morning, but that changed to feeling bad that they were fighting. So, I started to pray to God to help them resolve whatever it was they were fighting about... and it stopped pretty soon after. I have to admit, that prayer was both selfish and unselfish at the same time. If it had happened in the day, it would've been more unselfish. The point of this example is that... just like I prayed during that time when it was needed, a lot of us do the same thing. Maybe not the same situation, but same concept.
I am often in awe of my little (adoptive) sister who often asks "How can I be praying for you?" She might be going through some really difficult situations but she always manages to finds time to pray for others. I think we should all try to be a little more like that. Even if we're all doing very well, and so are all of our friends and family, there's always something to pray for... or to pray to say thanks. Don't just pray while there's a crisis, or when you're in need of the Lord (which is when the majority of us do it -- come on, admit it)... pray just to thank Him for everything He's provided for you.
I am going to set a specific time every day to thank God for my amazing parents, family, and friends. I will also thank all the saints who have interceded for me over the years -- whether I asked for their intercession, or others did. I will feel much better doing this, than just praying when I need to.
Moving... I actually want to do something kind of fun with the readers of my blog. I want everyone (who wants to participate) to pick the patron saint of this blog. I will be putting up a poll on the left where you can vote for whom you'd like to see as the patron saint of this blog. I will have the poll open (hopefully) until the end of this month so we can have a patron saint next month (which will also be the 1 year anniversary of this blog. :D). So, go ahead and vote! You can vote for as many as you'd like. And if you know of others that read this blog, please let them know about it! :D
Alright, well, I should probably get to work on my massive amounts of homework. I won't complain because there's no reason to, really. :D
As always, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D
Monday, November 17, 2008
Anxiety Strikes Again; Easiest Way to Get Me Peeved: Insult God.
And the anxiety strikes again. Grr! I had to leave my English Literature class early today -- only making it through less than half the class -- because of my anxiety. One of these days I will say it's no longer an issue but for now, it stinks. After months of being pretty good and not having major anxiety, it's struck in a big way.
The worst anxiety attacks I've had have happened last Saturday (not this past Saturday), last Wednesday, and last night. As I mentioned in the previous post, I thought they would have to take me to the hospital twice but I knew it was anxiety so I tried my hardest to stick it out. Last night was the second worst attack I've had in a long time. It started earlier in the day (it was a complete miracle I made it through the Mass) but got bad at night. It lasted a good 2 hours or so before I was calm enough to even think about sleeping. My poor mom stayed up with me until nearly midnight and then dad woke up to take over until I was alright. I'll tell you, all of this sucks. (Pardon my language!)
One of the good things about the anxiety is that, since I've already lived through enough panic attacks to know when it's anxiety, I don't wig out as much as I used to... thus allowing me to calm down even sooner. I think it got worse last night because I remembered all the work I am behind on (mainly: my History of World Religions class) and that didn't help much.
I had a St. Dymphna prayer/holy card on my desk in English class today, but I think since I was offended a bit during class, that didn't help my anxiety at all.
See, today we sat around in a circle and read John Milton's "Paradise Lost". Now, that alone, with the little anxiety I had before class, made me nervous. We take turns reading and, uh, I am not the best reader when it comes to reading out loud. To myself, I'm a quick reader but I hate public speaking. Anyway, I was okay with it, I can usually handle that... until someone in class called God a... well, let's just say it's one of the worst things someone can call God. I immediately went "WHOA" and said it loud, in the person's direction. He tried to explain himself, and I understood what he was trying to say, but the fact that he called God that specific word really ticked me off. Our professor tried to bring things back into perspective and say things the way they should've been said... but I was peeved, and so was the girl who sat next to me. Even she said it was a bit extreme to call Him that word. I said out loud that I was offended and made it clear that I was upset.
I don't care what your religious beliefs are... you NEVER insult God with that word. EVER! If you disagree with Catholicism or Christianity, that's your prerogative, just be careful how you phrase things because people will be offended if you don't. I'm just saying. I think that's what might've triggered my whole "I can't breathe; anxiety; must leave class 'cause I feel sick" thing. The guy kept glancing at me after that. Hey, if you insult God, I will make it known that it's completely unacceptable. I would've said more to him about how completely disrespectful that was and given him my 2 cents but that would've just opened up a bigger can on worms. I am prepared to back up my feelings on Wednesday (if the Lord gives me enough strength to make it through without anxiety) if the guy wants to clear up what he said.
So, there you go. If you ever want to get me angry, that's the way to do it.
Man, if I wasn't already feeling like I was going to lose it (anxiety-wise) I would've spoken my mind until there was no tomorrow. Okay and... rant over, I promise.
Okay, well, I should probably email my professor as to why I left early so I'm going to do that.
As always, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D
P.S. Check out my new friend Matthew's blog Fallible Blogma. It's awesome!
The worst anxiety attacks I've had have happened last Saturday (not this past Saturday), last Wednesday, and last night. As I mentioned in the previous post, I thought they would have to take me to the hospital twice but I knew it was anxiety so I tried my hardest to stick it out. Last night was the second worst attack I've had in a long time. It started earlier in the day (it was a complete miracle I made it through the Mass) but got bad at night. It lasted a good 2 hours or so before I was calm enough to even think about sleeping. My poor mom stayed up with me until nearly midnight and then dad woke up to take over until I was alright. I'll tell you, all of this sucks. (Pardon my language!)
One of the good things about the anxiety is that, since I've already lived through enough panic attacks to know when it's anxiety, I don't wig out as much as I used to... thus allowing me to calm down even sooner. I think it got worse last night because I remembered all the work I am behind on (mainly: my History of World Religions class) and that didn't help much.
I had a St. Dymphna prayer/holy card on my desk in English class today, but I think since I was offended a bit during class, that didn't help my anxiety at all.
See, today we sat around in a circle and read John Milton's "Paradise Lost". Now, that alone, with the little anxiety I had before class, made me nervous. We take turns reading and, uh, I am not the best reader when it comes to reading out loud. To myself, I'm a quick reader but I hate public speaking. Anyway, I was okay with it, I can usually handle that... until someone in class called God a... well, let's just say it's one of the worst things someone can call God. I immediately went "WHOA" and said it loud, in the person's direction. He tried to explain himself, and I understood what he was trying to say, but the fact that he called God that specific word really ticked me off. Our professor tried to bring things back into perspective and say things the way they should've been said... but I was peeved, and so was the girl who sat next to me. Even she said it was a bit extreme to call Him that word. I said out loud that I was offended and made it clear that I was upset.
I don't care what your religious beliefs are... you NEVER insult God with that word. EVER! If you disagree with Catholicism or Christianity, that's your prerogative, just be careful how you phrase things because people will be offended if you don't. I'm just saying. I think that's what might've triggered my whole "I can't breathe; anxiety; must leave class 'cause I feel sick" thing. The guy kept glancing at me after that. Hey, if you insult God, I will make it known that it's completely unacceptable. I would've said more to him about how completely disrespectful that was and given him my 2 cents but that would've just opened up a bigger can on worms. I am prepared to back up my feelings on Wednesday (if the Lord gives me enough strength to make it through without anxiety) if the guy wants to clear up what he said.
So, there you go. If you ever want to get me angry, that's the way to do it.
Man, if I wasn't already feeling like I was going to lose it (anxiety-wise) I would've spoken my mind until there was no tomorrow. Okay and... rant over, I promise.
Okay, well, I should probably email my professor as to why I left early so I'm going to do that.
As always, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D
P.S. Check out my new friend Matthew's blog Fallible Blogma. It's awesome!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
L.A. is Burning - Part Deux; When in Doubt, Ask a Priest.
There is another fire burning in the northern part of the Los Angeles County. Not good, at all. We can smell the smoke from where we live, but it's not so close that we can see the smoke like we did during the last fires. I'm going to pray that it doesn't get out of control like the others did last month. Of course, it HAD to be on a day when the temperatures would go over 90 degrees. Yes, you read that right... it will be over 90 degrees Fahrenheit today. Oy.
Well, I have my school dilemma figured out thanks to Fr. Stan. He did give me the disclaimer that if it didn't work out for me, it wasn't his fault, but of course I knew that. I did figure out what schools I would applying to and I am VERY happy with my decisions. It's all onward and upward from now one. :D
My motto is that when you're in doubt about something, always ask a priest's advice. I asked Fr. Leo's advice a few months ago about something and he definitely helped me and actually helped me on the path to trying to fight my battle with anxiety, while not letting it keep from going to Mass. Now, Fr. Stan has totally enlightened me. He quote Pope John Paul II and I totally saw my school dilemma from a new perspective. I love that when can go to them and ask for advice. :D
Alright, I've had a really BAD week, anxiety-wise. I honestly thought they would have to take me to the hospital twice because of horrible I felt. I'm so much better now, thank goodness! It was just three really intense days. Anyway, because of it I'm WAY behind on my homework -- which is all past due for all classes. So I'm going to do that now and then email them to the professors. :D
As always, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D
Well, I have my school dilemma figured out thanks to Fr. Stan. He did give me the disclaimer that if it didn't work out for me, it wasn't his fault, but of course I knew that. I did figure out what schools I would applying to and I am VERY happy with my decisions. It's all onward and upward from now one. :D
My motto is that when you're in doubt about something, always ask a priest's advice. I asked Fr. Leo's advice a few months ago about something and he definitely helped me and actually helped me on the path to trying to fight my battle with anxiety, while not letting it keep from going to Mass. Now, Fr. Stan has totally enlightened me. He quote Pope John Paul II and I totally saw my school dilemma from a new perspective. I love that when can go to them and ask for advice. :D
Alright, I've had a really BAD week, anxiety-wise. I honestly thought they would have to take me to the hospital twice because of horrible I felt. I'm so much better now, thank goodness! It was just three really intense days. Anyway, because of it I'm WAY behind on my homework -- which is all past due for all classes. So I'm going to do that now and then email them to the professors. :D
As always, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Veterans Day
Please take some time to say a prayer of thanks to all those brave men and women who have risked their lives and gone to protect this country. Also, say a prayer for those who are currently in places like Iraq; that they may come home safe to their families.
My childhood sweetheart is in the Navy so I'm always worried about how he's doing. Not just because he's my oldest friend (we've known each other since we were 5 years old; we're nearly 24) but because he has a wife and a mother who are patiently waiting for his safe arrival. I'm sure that's the case with a lot of other people.
Thank you for everything you've done for us, Veterans! May God Bless all of you!
My childhood sweetheart is in the Navy so I'm always worried about how he's doing. Not just because he's my oldest friend (we've known each other since we were 5 years old; we're nearly 24) but because he has a wife and a mother who are patiently waiting for his safe arrival. I'm sure that's the case with a lot of other people.
Thank you for everything you've done for us, Veterans! May God Bless all of you!
Monday, November 10, 2008
History of World Religions, Religious Studies Major.
I don't know where to start... I have so much I want to write about (but, don't worry, I won't. lol). First off, I am SO HAPPY we finally covered Catholicism and Christianity in my History of World Religions class. I have a list of all the people and saints that we covered... if I can just find it... *digs through desk drawer*... here we go:
- St. Ambrose - St. Augustine of Hippo - St. Benedict of Nursia - St. Francis of Assisi - St. Clare of Assisi - St. Dominic - St. Catherine of Siena - Pope Gregory I (The Great) - Pope Gregory XI - Pope Urban VI - St. Augustine of Kent/Canterbury - St. Thomas Aquinas - St. Anselm of Canterbury - St. John of the Cross - St. Teresa of Avila (WHOO!) - St. Ignatius of Loyola - St. Francis Xavier.
All those people/saints were covered in only 7 pages. I was super excited to have to learn a little bit more about them for a class! It reaffirmed my belief that I am supposed to be a Religious Studies major. :D I had to compare Martin Luther, John Calvin, King Henry VIII, and St. Ignatius of Loyola for my Christianity paper. Guess which I wrote more about; which one I knew more about. :D Man, I LOVE this class. :D
We're currently doing the last religion we'll learn about (I think), which is Islam. We have a big research paper due in like 2 weeks and I was originally going to do it on Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism but now I'm going to switch Buddhism for Islam because I think it'll be easier (since they believe in God). I still don't know if I'll focus on the sacred texts or the art but it's one of those. It'll be interesting.
All of this that I have been learning has really made me think about what I'm going to do when it comes to my Religious Studies major. I'm at the point where I have to decide, once and for all, where I'll be attending next Fall to finish my Bachelor's degree. I have to do it this week because I have to make sure my Winter session and Spring semester classes are exactly what I'll need (also, to basically get more credits done at a cheaper cost, lol). I''m still undecided whether to go to a state university (where I'll have to learn about different religions) or go back to my private college (where I'll focus mainly on Catholicism). I would rather go to a Catholic university/college but, really, it all comes down to the tuition. Since I'm in charge of all my educational costs, I have to really think about the debt and whatnot once I graduate. I am completely torn on what to do so I'll hopefully get some advice from Fr. Stan. I've already called to make an appointment so now I'm just waiting for him to call me back and set the day when I can go in and ask. I've tried to figure it out on my own, and have even prayed about it, but all that I've come up with is going to a priest and asking his advice.
I don't think my decision would be so hard if I wasn't planning on (eventually) becoming a teacher. See, I have my plans. If I don't make it as an author or wedding planner, I want to be an elementary school teacher. I love kids and I love teaching them things. I think I'd do a good job. Because of this, and because I'd want to teach at a Catholic school... well, it makes me think twice about what school I'll get my degree from. Hopefully Fr. Stan will be able to help me figure it out a bit.
Well, that's it. I had more planned but I just started getting these stomach cramps and I'm not feeling too well so I'm going to call it a day. Hopefully it isn't serious... and that I won't have to go to the Emergency Room.
As always, thanks for reading and God Bless! :D
- St. Ambrose - St. Augustine of Hippo - St. Benedict of Nursia - St. Francis of Assisi - St. Clare of Assisi - St. Dominic - St. Catherine of Siena - Pope Gregory I (The Great) - Pope Gregory XI - Pope Urban VI - St. Augustine of Kent/Canterbury - St. Thomas Aquinas - St. Anselm of Canterbury - St. John of the Cross - St. Teresa of Avila (WHOO!) - St. Ignatius of Loyola - St. Francis Xavier.
All those people/saints were covered in only 7 pages. I was super excited to have to learn a little bit more about them for a class! It reaffirmed my belief that I am supposed to be a Religious Studies major. :D I had to compare Martin Luther, John Calvin, King Henry VIII, and St. Ignatius of Loyola for my Christianity paper. Guess which I wrote more about; which one I knew more about. :D Man, I LOVE this class. :D
We're currently doing the last religion we'll learn about (I think), which is Islam. We have a big research paper due in like 2 weeks and I was originally going to do it on Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism but now I'm going to switch Buddhism for Islam because I think it'll be easier (since they believe in God). I still don't know if I'll focus on the sacred texts or the art but it's one of those. It'll be interesting.
All of this that I have been learning has really made me think about what I'm going to do when it comes to my Religious Studies major. I'm at the point where I have to decide, once and for all, where I'll be attending next Fall to finish my Bachelor's degree. I have to do it this week because I have to make sure my Winter session and Spring semester classes are exactly what I'll need (also, to basically get more credits done at a cheaper cost, lol). I''m still undecided whether to go to a state university (where I'll have to learn about different religions) or go back to my private college (where I'll focus mainly on Catholicism). I would rather go to a Catholic university/college but, really, it all comes down to the tuition. Since I'm in charge of all my educational costs, I have to really think about the debt and whatnot once I graduate. I am completely torn on what to do so I'll hopefully get some advice from Fr. Stan. I've already called to make an appointment so now I'm just waiting for him to call me back and set the day when I can go in and ask. I've tried to figure it out on my own, and have even prayed about it, but all that I've come up with is going to a priest and asking his advice.
I don't think my decision would be so hard if I wasn't planning on (eventually) becoming a teacher. See, I have my plans. If I don't make it as an author or wedding planner, I want to be an elementary school teacher. I love kids and I love teaching them things. I think I'd do a good job. Because of this, and because I'd want to teach at a Catholic school... well, it makes me think twice about what school I'll get my degree from. Hopefully Fr. Stan will be able to help me figure it out a bit.
Well, that's it. I had more planned but I just started getting these stomach cramps and I'm not feeling too well so I'm going to call it a day. Hopefully it isn't serious... and that I won't have to go to the Emergency Room.
As always, thanks for reading and God Bless! :D
Friday, November 7, 2008
I Have Wedding Fever.
I've caught the wedding fever lately. One of friends is getting married next month so that has gotten me awfully excited. Sadly, I won't be able to attend because it's across the country and I'm pretty much stuck here (in California) until probably the New Year. Anyway, even though that's the case, I'm still excited about the wedding. (And then getting a big house in Ireland with her, her future husband, and my sister. lol.)
I LOVE weddings and what they represent. Two years ago I entertained the idea of becoming a wedding planner. I've already been put on notice by a friend of mine to be ready to help when he is ready to start planning his wedding with his fiance. I put the idea back on the shelf when I decided to stay focused on finished my degree... and then had other family responsibilities (helping dad when he had cancer). Lately, I've started getting this nagging feeling that maybe I should look into it again. I've been watching "Whose Wedding is it Anyway?" and I've gotten to the show... again. lol. I don't know what I'm going to do. I mean, the job is PERFECT for me. I love love. I love what a marriage represents. I think I can do a good job creating a great wedding for someone, no matter what their tastes are. And, hey, my Religious Studies degree can come in handy because I'll know the traditions and customs of various religions (sometimes the couple are of two different religions). The more and more I think about it, the better the idea gets. :D We'll see though, I still have time to weigh my options. :D
Oh, and Rebecca at Modestia is also having Bridal Week in case any of you lovely young women want to check out wedding gowns and bridal tips. :D Even though it's very doubtful that I will get married any time soon, I still love looking at the pictures and seeing which are my favorites. :D
And for those of you getting married soon, remember not to get fully caught up in just the planning of it. I know a lot of people wig out over details like what color the bridesmaid's dresses will be, or who is sitting next to who at the reception... and they totally forget what they're actually doing. Remember that importance of it what it is to be married and how incredible it is to be united under God to do his will. The whole significance of marriage is absolutely beautiful and such a blessing. Please, don't take the whole thing for granted. :D
Okay, I have to go tackle my History of World Religions assignment. I also have to get started on the BIG research paper that is due next week (the outline) and the following week (the finished paper). I still have to pick whether I'm going to focus on the sacred art or sacred texts/literature of 3 different religions but I already have the religions picked (Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism).
Oh, and I have 4,299 words written so far (for NaNoWriMo). Man, I still have a way to go but it's really fun having a deadline for my novel. :D
Oh, and I recently took a Jane Austen heroine quiz (Yes, I DO love Austen) and I got:
Whoo! I do feel I am the most like her out of the other Austen heroines. :D Uh... I think I'm procrastinating now. lol. I'm going to go work on the assignments. lol.
As always, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D
I LOVE weddings and what they represent. Two years ago I entertained the idea of becoming a wedding planner. I've already been put on notice by a friend of mine to be ready to help when he is ready to start planning his wedding with his fiance. I put the idea back on the shelf when I decided to stay focused on finished my degree... and then had other family responsibilities (helping dad when he had cancer). Lately, I've started getting this nagging feeling that maybe I should look into it again. I've been watching "Whose Wedding is it Anyway?" and I've gotten to the show... again. lol. I don't know what I'm going to do. I mean, the job is PERFECT for me. I love love. I love what a marriage represents. I think I can do a good job creating a great wedding for someone, no matter what their tastes are. And, hey, my Religious Studies degree can come in handy because I'll know the traditions and customs of various religions (sometimes the couple are of two different religions). The more and more I think about it, the better the idea gets. :D We'll see though, I still have time to weigh my options. :D
Oh, and Rebecca at Modestia is also having Bridal Week in case any of you lovely young women want to check out wedding gowns and bridal tips. :D Even though it's very doubtful that I will get married any time soon, I still love looking at the pictures and seeing which are my favorites. :D
And for those of you getting married soon, remember not to get fully caught up in just the planning of it. I know a lot of people wig out over details like what color the bridesmaid's dresses will be, or who is sitting next to who at the reception... and they totally forget what they're actually doing. Remember that importance of it what it is to be married and how incredible it is to be united under God to do his will. The whole significance of marriage is absolutely beautiful and such a blessing. Please, don't take the whole thing for granted. :D
Okay, I have to go tackle my History of World Religions assignment. I also have to get started on the BIG research paper that is due next week (the outline) and the following week (the finished paper). I still have to pick whether I'm going to focus on the sacred art or sacred texts/literature of 3 different religions but I already have the religions picked (Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism).
Oh, and I have 4,299 words written so far (for NaNoWriMo). Man, I still have a way to go but it's really fun having a deadline for my novel. :D
Oh, and I recently took a Jane Austen heroine quiz (Yes, I DO love Austen) and I got:
Whoo! I do feel I am the most like her out of the other Austen heroines. :D Uh... I think I'm procrastinating now. lol. I'm going to go work on the assignments. lol.
As always, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Election Results; NaNoWriMo.
Well, the results were in a few days ago. Barack Obama will be the new president. *sigh* I really wanted McCain to win, and I even shed a few tears during his concession speech. I think Senator McCain was too hard on himself and I've gained a whole new level of respect for him. *sigh* Well, I think now all we can do is pray for Obama's safety (because regardless of his position on things like abortion, death threats are NEVER the answer) and that he changes his mind on his stance on important moral issues. Even Pope Benedict XVI has reached out to Obama in hopes the Obama does the right thing.
Proposition 8 passed in California. That means that marriage will be define as a man and a woman in this state. I was surprised (but a wonderful surprise) because California is known to be a very liberal state. Most of my classmates in English Lit class went on this rant about how it shouldn't have passed. Even my professor said that it shouldn't have. (She's on the liberal side but she's still such a caring and compassion person.) I kept my mouth shut because it was way too early in the morning to get into those debates. Do I want to get into an argument in which I'd be the only one on my side of the argument... while I was still sleepy? Not so much. I did, however, make it known through body language that I was not pleased when they started on McCain and his concession speech and the harsh words they said about it. Respect the man!
Sadly, Proposition 4 did not pass. I was keeping tabs on how the results came out in each county in California and most did not pass Proposition 4. It's sad. This was, I think, they only thing we (the members of my family who are allowed to vote) agreed on. I have no clue about how my bro voted but I think (hope) he made the right decisions. Hopefully they'll bring back this Proposition in future elections.
Besides the craziness of the elections, I am taking part in the craziness of the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo -- NaNo for short). If you're participating in it, please feel free to add me. :D So far I have 3456 (yes, seriously) words written. We have a minimum of 50,000 words pledged by the end of the month, though, so I have to really get to it! I have the long Veteran's Day weekend and don't have another class until Wednesday so I am going to take advantage of it.
You know what? That's exactly what I'm going to do right now. I need a distraction for schoolwork and I feel creative so why not? :D Maybe in the next post I'll update y'all where my friends (and fiance of one of my friends) are on our search for the perfect home in Ireland. We've decided to move out there because we're not happy with the way things are going in this country. Long story. lol. :D
Alright, well, I must get to writing. As always, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D
Proposition 8 passed in California. That means that marriage will be define as a man and a woman in this state. I was surprised (but a wonderful surprise) because California is known to be a very liberal state. Most of my classmates in English Lit class went on this rant about how it shouldn't have passed. Even my professor said that it shouldn't have. (She's on the liberal side but she's still such a caring and compassion person.) I kept my mouth shut because it was way too early in the morning to get into those debates. Do I want to get into an argument in which I'd be the only one on my side of the argument... while I was still sleepy? Not so much. I did, however, make it known through body language that I was not pleased when they started on McCain and his concession speech and the harsh words they said about it. Respect the man!
Sadly, Proposition 4 did not pass. I was keeping tabs on how the results came out in each county in California and most did not pass Proposition 4. It's sad. This was, I think, they only thing we (the members of my family who are allowed to vote) agreed on. I have no clue about how my bro voted but I think (hope) he made the right decisions. Hopefully they'll bring back this Proposition in future elections.
Besides the craziness of the elections, I am taking part in the craziness of the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo -- NaNo for short). If you're participating in it, please feel free to add me. :D So far I have 3456 (yes, seriously) words written. We have a minimum of 50,000 words pledged by the end of the month, though, so I have to really get to it! I have the long Veteran's Day weekend and don't have another class until Wednesday so I am going to take advantage of it.
You know what? That's exactly what I'm going to do right now. I need a distraction for schoolwork and I feel creative so why not? :D Maybe in the next post I'll update y'all where my friends (and fiance of one of my friends) are on our search for the perfect home in Ireland. We've decided to move out there because we're not happy with the way things are going in this country. Long story. lol. :D
Alright, well, I must get to writing. As always, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D
Monday, November 3, 2008
Remember to Vote!
I have my make-up English Lit midterm exam tomorrow so I will make this VERY short.
Please remember to vote tomorrow! Every vote counts, and it looks like this election will be close. I'm voting just as any good Catholic/Christian citizen would. No need to tell you how I feel about the propositions or candidates. I hope y'all will do the same... even if people get upset with you for it, just like my dad did with me. Yes, he's angry at me for voting for a certain candidate. *shakes head* I am definitely not apologetic, though. I love my dad and all but I simply cannot vote for a candidate that's pro-abortion... I just can't.
Alright, well, I have a LONG day ahead of me... voting in the early morning, midterm after that, Philosophy of Logic after that, more English after that. Oh, the joys of being a college student. lol.
REMEMBER TO VOTE! 'Til next time, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D
Please remember to vote tomorrow! Every vote counts, and it looks like this election will be close. I'm voting just as any good Catholic/Christian citizen would. No need to tell you how I feel about the propositions or candidates. I hope y'all will do the same... even if people get upset with you for it, just like my dad did with me. Yes, he's angry at me for voting for a certain candidate. *shakes head* I am definitely not apologetic, though. I love my dad and all but I simply cannot vote for a candidate that's pro-abortion... I just can't.
Alright, well, I have a LONG day ahead of me... voting in the early morning, midterm after that, Philosophy of Logic after that, more English after that. Oh, the joys of being a college student. lol.
REMEMBER TO VOTE! 'Til next time, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy All Saints' Day!
Happy All Saints' Day everyone! I hope you all say a little prayer of thanks to all the saints... your patron saints and other saints... for giving us wonderful examples of how to be good Catholic Christian people. Also, for all the intercessions they've done on our behalf during our most difficult moments. If you've read my blog long enough, you know how appreciative I am of saints. I love 'em. :D I know it's not mandatory for us in the U.S. to go to Mass tonight because this day of obligation falls on a Saturday and it transfers to tomorrow's Mass. I would stay, though, if I could. Unfortunately, I don't think I am going to stick around the Mass tonight, after confessions, because I've been feeling very weak and like I'm going to faint.
I honestly don't even know if I'll make it to confessions tonight. I feel just blah. Don't know what's up but I hope it's just something that will go away by itself and doesn't require me to go to the doctor... or the E.R. Prayers are definitely welcomed because this is one of the worst feelings to have.
I had a dream last night that I went to the E.R. because I'd accidentally swallowed a staple. Seriously. I've also been dreaming quite frequently that I'm going to die... or that it's the end of the world. Eh. I think it's just all stress related. I mean, I had a mini panic attack this morning but I think it's all the stress that I've had recently finally being released out of my system. I definitely have delayed reactions when it comes to my anxiety. I'm weird like that. lol.
I don't have much to write beyond this. Really, I wanted to wish everyone a good All Saints' Day. I hope y'all aren't hung over (from the sugar high/rush and then crash) from all the Halloween parties you might've attended. You know who you are. lol.
Alright, I think I'm going to go lay down for a bit. Hope everyone's doing well. :D As always, thanks for reading and God Bless.
I honestly don't even know if I'll make it to confessions tonight. I feel just blah. Don't know what's up but I hope it's just something that will go away by itself and doesn't require me to go to the doctor... or the E.R. Prayers are definitely welcomed because this is one of the worst feelings to have.
I had a dream last night that I went to the E.R. because I'd accidentally swallowed a staple. Seriously. I've also been dreaming quite frequently that I'm going to die... or that it's the end of the world. Eh. I think it's just all stress related. I mean, I had a mini panic attack this morning but I think it's all the stress that I've had recently finally being released out of my system. I definitely have delayed reactions when it comes to my anxiety. I'm weird like that. lol.
I don't have much to write beyond this. Really, I wanted to wish everyone a good All Saints' Day. I hope y'all aren't hung over (from the sugar high/rush and then crash) from all the Halloween parties you might've attended. You know who you are. lol.
Alright, I think I'm going to go lay down for a bit. Hope everyone's doing well. :D As always, thanks for reading and God Bless.
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