One of my many rosaries. |
Hello, lovely readers! Happy All Saints' Day and happy first day of the
annual 54-day Rosary novena.
I decided to post a step-by-step guide on how to pray the 54-day Rosary novena after I had a couple of people -- my mother included (she forgot how to do it) -- ask how to pray it.
The instructions on the website can be a bit confusing -- been there, felt that -- so I'm here to help you out.
Before I start I want to tell you the most commonly asked question is about what days you pray which mysteries.
It doesn't matter if the Rosary novena mysteries for whatever day you're on doesn't match up with the order of the regular Rosary.
Here's an example: this upcoming Tuesday (Day 6 of petition) you'll either pray the Glorious Mysteries (if you're doing the traditional order) or the Luminous Mysteries (if you're doing the updated version). Those are the mysteries you do for the novena,
not the Sorrowful Mysteries which are normally done on Tuesdays. You'll be praying whatever mysteries are assigned for whatever day you're on during the novena.
Step 1: Do the Sign of the Cross and say: "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen."
Step 2: Pray
one Hail Mary.
Step 3: Pray the prayer that follows the Hail Mary assigned for that specific day on
the website: "Hail Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, my Mother Mary, Hail! At thy feet..." (side note: this prayer's words will be different every day; it'll depend on which day you're on and which mysteries you're meditating on.)
Step 4: Pray the Apostle's Creed
Step 5: Pray
one Our Father,
three Hail Mary's,
one Glory Be, and
one Fatima Prayer ("Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins...") in that order.
Step 6: Go to the first mystery of the day, pray the prayer under the mystery, and pray the Rosary as you normally would (
one Our Father,
ten Hail Marys,
one Glory Be, and the Fatima Prayer).
Step 7: Pray whatever prayer is under the Fatima Prayer, which begins: "I bind these..."
Step 8: Go onto the next mystery and repeat Steps 6 and 7 until you reach the end of that mystery.
You repeat steps 6-8 until you reach the end of the 5th mystery of the day.
Step 9: Pray the Spiritual Communion prayer.
Step 10: Pray the Prayer in Petition and the prayer that follows under it. (
Side note: if you pray the Rosary during the day, you will say "... thy blessings give to us this day" and if you pray it at night you'll say, "... thy blessings give to us this night.")
Step 11: Pray the Hail, Holy Queen.
Step 12: Pray the Memorare
Step 13: Pray the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel.
Step 14: Do the Sign of the Cross.
Step 15: Kiss the Crucifix.
Step 16: Do a happy dance because you've done the prayers for the day (optional, lol).
Important: During the second half of the 54-day Rosary novena -- the 27 days of Thanksgiving -- it's basically the same order,
except the prayers in Steps 3 and 10 (which will become Prayer in Thanksgiving) will have the biggest changes because we're no longer asking for something but thanking Mama Mary for her intercession, even if we've yet to see the petitions answered.
I cannot tell you which days you'll be doing what because some people opt to do the traditional order (Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious) while others will do the updated version (Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, and Luminous). That choice is up to you and you'll have to keep pray of it for yourself; I can just tell you "we're on day 1/4/8/23/etc on petition (or thanksgiving)." I highly recommend marking a calendar or keeping track of what day/mystery you're on somewhere you can easily access.
I hope I haven't confusing y'all even more! If you need the link to the prayers, you can always go back to
this link and click on whatever set of mysteries you're doing for the day. Bookmark this blog post and visit it as often as you have to until you get the hang of it.
If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask; that's what I'm here for!
Alright, y'all, I'm going to go say my prayers (and I'm including all of y'all!).
As always, thank you for reading and God bless! :D