Monday, July 11, 2022

My Earthly and Spiritual Fathers

My earthly father and my spiritual father have been intertwined for much longer than I realized.

My earthly father was born the day after my spiritual father's feast day (the day he went to his eternal reward).

My earthly father also died on the solemnity (second feast of the year) of my spiritual father, St. Benedict.

l used to take road trips with my earthly father during the last years of his life, getting to know him better. I took my first solo flight and first road trip without family to officially become a part of my spiritual father's family.

Both fathers have taught me valuable life lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

Both fathers fought for me during spiritually arduous times, my father during my teens and St. Benedict in recent months.

Both have shown me my worth, as a daughter of God and their biological and spiritual daughter.

I miss my dad so much, even 13 years after his passing. He was always the parent I felt closest to; the one who sacrificed so much for me. I have such beautiful memories of him that I will treasure forever.

St. Benedict continues to lead me closer to Christ through his Holy Rule. He has given me a spiritual family I feel so undeserving of but so blessed to be a part of.

Happy solemnity to my spiritual father, St. Benedict.

Prayers for the soul of my father who died 13 years ago today.

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