I was happy to see that The Terry and Jesse Show started up again, through their app and podcast feed on iTunes. Their show doesn't sugarcoat things -- it brings Catholicism to you as it is. I appreciate that. I don't want anyone to sanitize the Faith so that I won't get offended. I'd rather hear someone talk about what the Church actually teaches than being coddled.
When I found out that Terry and Jesse were (and are!) planning on launching their own internet radio station that will bring back their own show as well as Catholic Answers, Mother Miriam, and new (to radio) Catholic voices, I reached out to Jesse and asked how I could help. He sent me this to share with everyone:
"Another Top-Rated Catholic Show Dropped by Relevant Radio - Yet They Will Not Be Silenced
LOS ANGELES CA - On January 4th, 2018 The Terry and Jesse Show received news that Relevant Radio will no longer be broadcasting their show; however, they want their listeners to know they will not be silenced and will continue broadcasting their live show on other networks and by other means.
The Terry and Jesse show, two on fire Catholic men, provided a high energy Catholicism one hour long live Call-in show Monday Through Friday, totally free of charge, for over 5 years on Immaculate Heart Radio.
Relevant Radio merged with the Immaculate Heart Radio (IHR) in 2017 and within months of the merger, they made the decision to drop some of Immaculate Heart Radio’s top shows, including Catholic Answers Life, Mother Miriam and now the Terry and Jesse Show.
For 11 years, Terry Barber, founder of Saint Joseph Communications, Lighthouse Catholic Media and the Catholic Resource Center has been providing free programming for Immaculate Heart Radio. Barber was also very instrumental in helping IHR, now Relevant Radio, acquire their largest radio market in the country; the Los Angeles market which has a potential reach of 16 million listeners.
'We are obviously disappointed. We know that many of our listeners are also disappointed by the many emails and calls we are receiving.' Barber said. 'We are very grateful for all the support we have received and it also encourages us in our resolve to continue what we are doing, but only using other means of sharing our show with the world.'
On January 15th, 2018, The Terry and Jesse show will continue to broadcast live through their APP, available for Android and Apple devices, as well as on their website, podcasts and use other internet means.
'I have heard that people are already calling their local Catholic radio stations and asking them if they can carry our show. At least 10 independent radio stations have already contacted us wanting to broadcast our show.' Barber said. 'Our hope is that many other stations will do the same so we can continue to reach as many souls as possible for Christ.'
Despite this very difficult transition, both Terry and Jesse remain hopeful. Barber says 'We have to remain hopeful. In this time we are surrendering to God’s permissive will. Thank You, Jesus! The heaviest pain in my heart right now comes at the thought of all those listeners who will be impacted. Just today, in the pile of support emails, I got an email from a mother who said her 13-year-old boy ‘loved your show’ and it gave him the courage to live his Catholic faith, despite that fact his friends are not. Two Catholic men as role models have been taken out of this little boy’s life. When so many teens are leaving the faith, this teen chooses to give his life to Christ, because of our show, and now it’s taken away from him. I can not tell you how much this breaks my heart. This is why we will not stop, even though we will face many challenges receive the support we need to keep our show going, we will not stop. One soul is worth it all. That’s what Jesus taught us,'
If you would like to keep listening to Terry and Jesse show you can use the following links.
WEBSITE: http://www.TerryAndJesse.com
APP: Download The Terry and Jesse at: http://www.TerryAndJesse.com/app
The Terry and Jesse show just launched their Live internet radio show on, January 15, 2018, at 11 am PST. If you are unable to listen to the show at that hour you could download the Terry and Jesse Show App so you may listen to the daily show at your convenience.
Here are the specifics:
The Show is now broadcasted in 3 places live:
1. Website: www.TerryAndJesse.com
2. Our App both Android and Apple. Download links on the website.
3. Terry and Jesse YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/.channel/.UC1B0LNO3Tk0kofJ4wCbVNvw
Thank you for the financial support and your prayerful support.
Let’s Keep Terry and Jesse on the airwaves!!!!
Thank you all for your support! God Love You!"
I'm just going to put this out there because I believe it's something we all need. I honestly felt the pull to reach out and get involved however I could... and y'all know I normally won't do that. I can't financially contribute to the launch of their radio station (some of you know the financial hardships my mother and I are under), but I can do this for them.
What isn't included in the press release is that their radio station is going to be on all 24 hours. Since Terry has a treasure trove of talks by Ven. Fulton Sheen, they play on airing them as well. I'm really looking forward to seeing and hearing what they have in store for us.
They're in no way, shape, or form paying me. I'm not getting free blog advertisement. I will in no way benefit from this, except maybe helping them in some small way. This is just something that I felt called to do for them so I'm posting this now.
You know what I don't like and that I've noticed? That we're seeing a lot of "dumbing down" of the Faith online. There are still news agencies that report things as they are, without bias, and/or are giving us good food for thoughts but it's declining. News agencies whose articles I was subscribed to are recycling their articles from years ago... or they haven't been reporting things as they once did. Others are sharing some secular articles that are more basic, common sense things that have nothing to do with the Faith. I'm sorry but that's not what I signed up for. Now that I'm seeing it filtering into Catholic radio, I have to ask, "Why?" Why are we seeing less of the Church's actual teachings being shared? Why do we fear offending people who need to hear the Truth?
I know I may alienate some readers by posting this and saying what I did but it's what I think and feel. The (potential) Dominican in me won't stand for what I've noticed lately and this is one of the few things I know I can do while I recuperate from my chronic fatigue.
Anyway, I just wanted to write and share this with y'all. I've been feeling a bit better lately so I hope to post more often in the upcoming days/weeks.
I hope y'all are having a lovely week thus far!
As always, thanks for reading and God bless! :D
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