Friday, December 1, 2017

2017 Magnificat Advent Companion App Giveaway Ends Tonight!

Just quick reminder that the Magnificat Advent companion app giveaway ends tonight at midnight PST! If you haven't already entered and would like, this is your last chance!

There was a glitch in the Rafflecopter widget. I don't know who entered for the iOS giveaway and for the Android giveaway so if you've already entered or will enter, please let me know so I know who to send what if they win.

Thank you in advance! :D


angelsteph said...

I entered the day you posted it and just did another tweet just now. I hope it all went through.

Emmy Marie-Therese said...

Steph, which one are you hoping to win? Your entries went through but it doesn't say which of the two you entered. I'm guessing iOS.