I am stuck in bed (sick; slept about 14 hours today) so I won't write a long post. Instead, I am keeping up my Music Monday tradition (which I haven't done in a while). Anyway, this song is called The Man I Want to Be by Chris Young. I saw it on CMT one morning, including an interview with Chris, and I fell in love with the lyrics. We often don't hear a man singing to God, and this is just what Chris has done. If more men thought this way, we young ladies would be very lucky. I am warning you: this is a country video/song. So, I like country music. Sue me. lol. Anyway, I'd encourage you to at least 'sit through' it at least once to just listen to the lyrics.
Alright, I am going to try and take it easy until I end up falling asleep again. :D I hope y'all have a better Monday than I did. :D
I love this song!!! Thanks Em!!
Thanks so much. Also love this song and Chris Young. :)
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