Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fr. Alberto Cutié; Tribulations; What Kind of Catholic Are You?

I'm sure many of you have heard of the Fr. Alberto Cutié scandal that has completely shocked everyone. Trust me, my jaw dropped when mom told me to look it up online. I thought to myself, "there is NO WAY this is real. It has to be fake!" Dad said Fr. Alberto was tempted by the devil. Mom agreed and added that it seemed like he was set up. Everyone has their theory on it... and I won't add to the speculation of whether he did or didn't. All I will say is that, he's human and humans make mistakes. Do I condone what he did? Definitely not. Were the right actions taken by having him removed of his duties? I think so. Do I forgive him for his transgressions? Absolutely. How can I expect to be forgiven for my sins if I can't forgive others for theirs? Of course, you can argue that since he is a priest, and took a vow of chastity, that his sin is quite the biggie. Either way, I will definitely be praying for him. You can read his statement at his site.

It seems that many of us are having trials and tribulations lately. My dad checked himself out of the hospital on Monday, and I don't blame him. The head nurse was a tyrant and was really rude towards my father. The good news is that he looks much better now AND I've just scheduled an appointment for him on Friday. We'll hopefully know exactly what he has and then go from there. I'm still hoping it's just liver problems and not cancer (for the third time). Yesterday we had to take my mom to the hospital (a different one; we each have our own places) because she was in a lot of pain. That just stressed me out a bit. It turns out her arthritis was just flaring up, big time!, but nothing worse. I am now in charge of taking care of my father and his appointments, plus the housework since my mom can't with her arthritis... on top of my schoolwork. I refuse to crack, though. I know there has to be a reason why I'm being given all this responsibility all at once. The good thing is that I've had little anxiety, and no panic attacks (thank you, St. Dymphna!) thus far. Either I'm just weird or I'm just a very "glass half full" person, but I actually see all that is happening as blessings in disguise. It's showing me that I'm stronger than I thought I was. All of this is preparing me for when I have a family of my own some day. Most importantly, it is bringing the family closer together. I've been finding that saying prayers, as well as being able to concentrating on the Rosary, is coming much easier to me. And, really, all of this is just bringing me closer to God and for that I am very grateful. It's very "Daily Rosary Catholic" of me.

What? You never heard of a "Daily Rosary Catholic"? Well, according to a "What Kind of Catholic Are You?" quiz on I am a Daily Rosary (Very Traditional) Catholic. According to the result description I'd "like the church to revive the time-honored devotions, liturgical practices, and strong institutional discipline that prevailed before the Second Vatican Council—and [I'm] hoping that Pope Benedict XVI will lead the church in exactly that direction. [My] favorite hymn is probably a traditional Latin composition such as the "Panis Angelicus," and [my] favorite pope is probably a pioneer of the Church's great liturgical tradition such as Gregory the Great. [I] loved 'The Passion of the Christ.'" Yeah, sounds about right. lol. If you take the quiz, please let me know what your result is. :D

Alright, well, I have some studying to do so I should go do that. If not study, then relax and maybe take a nap. I only had about 4.5 hours of sleep last night (eesh!). OH! Before I forget, I haven't replied to emails in a week or two but I'll reply by tonight. I do read your emails, just haven't been able to reply to the longer ones. :D

I think that's enough reading for y'all tonight. lol. As always, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D

P.S. Have you voted yet?


Catherine Lucia said...

I'm a 'daily Rosary' too...I got a 91 on a scale of 0-100, 100 being most traditional!!!


Emmy Marie-Therese said...

I forgot to look at the score when I took it. lol. All I know is that I got Daily Rosary... because it was the only one in bold. lol.

Kelly said...

I am a Daily Rosary Catholic with an 88% out of 100%. I've been praying for your father. Hope it turns out to be nothing serious. I lost my own father 11yrs. ago. It's still miss him very much. Maybe you could pray for him as well. God bless~ Kelly(GratiaeUtDeus)

Emmy Marie-Therese said...

Thank you, Kelly. :D And, I will definitely pray for your father as well. May he rest in peace. :)

Joe of St. Thérèse said...

I've done my part in voting for you ;)

Emmy Marie-Therese said...

thank you, Joe.

NCSue said...

More and more, I'm convinced that I'm being called to pray for our priests and religious. I posted something about this situation with "Father Oprah" today - see Please join with mein praying for him, and for all our priests!