
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross


“Behold, the Cross of the Lord! fly, ye ranks of the adversary! The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed. Alleluia.”

Happy feast of the Exaltation of the Cross! I was blessed to have kissed a first class relic of the True Cross thanks to my former spiritual director. I cannot tell you the overwhelming love I felt in that moment. Whether it was my love for Christ, his love for me, or a moment in which I felt the two loves meeting, I don’t know. All I know is that never had the power of His love for me ever hit me as hard as it did at that moment. I will never forget it.

Lord, I know I don’t keep the greatest love story — Your death on the Cross for the salvation of all humanity — in my mind but I hope that it’s deeply embedded in my heart. If it is not, I ask that You please make it so. I want all my actions, words, & life to reflect Your love. 

I pray that You empty me of my selfishness, pride, vanity, & all other things that keep me from doing what I can to do something good for Your kingdom. 

May I always have the courage & fortitude to carry my own crosses & follow where You May lead me. ❤️

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