Sorry for the belated New Year post but I have had a nasty cold (possible throat infection) for the past couple of days. I've spent most of my days in bed, resting, but I've finally gotten out and about. It doesn't hurt that it's over 80 degrees in my part of L.A. :)
Though I am sad that I was not able to attend Mass on Christmas (food poisoning) and New Year's Day / feast of Feast of Mary, Mother of God (too weak/fatigued) I did give thanks to God for (despite being ill) having a good day those days. That is actually a resolution I have this year: thank God for every single day. Being sick reminds me of something: most of us only pray when we are in need of something. I'm not saying it's bad to pray when we need something; we should just keep praying, even when things are going well. I think many of us neglect to take time out of our day to pray when everything is going well.
Last year I started keeping track of who needed novenas. I did a couple whenever friends asked me and it was the best feeling. I was doing well but these friends needed prayers so I did novenas for them. As I said a couple of blog posts ago, we see so much mud slinging amongst fellows Catholics (especially on twitter when we don't agree on things) that I decided to make it another resolution: pray for others... especially if they do something against you. A Hail Mary (I almost wrote "Ave Maria" lol) when you're angry at someone helps. A lot.
Of course I have other resolutions: to not over study, to not use the blow dryer (at all, to take more walks and to do some hiking when I can, etc. But the most important are to thank God for each and every day, to pray for others, and to avoid sinning as much as possible and receive the Eucharist daily (when possible). Hmm... maybe I should try getting back into the habit of a daily Rosary and chaplet of the Divine Mercy at 3 p.m. as well. If I don't over study like last semester, it can be possible. :)
Anyway, just a semi-quick post to wish y'all a Happy New Year and to share some of my resolutions. I hope God blesses each and every one of us this year... especially since it seems like most of us had a pretty crummy year last year. Hope y'all are having a great start of year so far. :D
As always, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D
Have a most blessed year my dear friend :)
Oh no a throat infection does not sound fun!! I love your NY resolutions. :o) Are you from London?
I'm a new follower from #CathSorority! Please feel free to stop by anytime!
For Love of Cupcakes
I think it's a cold, not a throat infection. :)
I am not from London (sadly.) I've been stuck in Los Angeles my entire life.
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