
Thursday, March 7, 2019

Prayer Interruptions

Okay, so, I'm definitely going to be doing these blog posts at random times when I know I have time instead of a set time every day. Let's see how this experiment goes...

You know what I've noticed lately? That people automatically assume that you're doing something not prayer-related if they see you using your iPod touch or smartphone. I keep getting interrupted when doing the Liturgy of the Hours because I use the BrevMeum app. I guess people assume I'm wasting time on something else and that it's okay for them to interrupt whatever I'm looking at. (side note: I'm not even going to comment on how I rude I think this is in general.) I mean, it's understandable to assume that I may be wasting time on something trivial; a lot of people use for their tablets and/or smartphones for things other than prayer. However, some of us do use them for such purposes. 

I really want to get the Monastic Diurnal (as recommended for Benedictine oblates) so that I can get something physical to hold -- that isn't on a screen -- to do the LOTH but it's not cheap. Yes, I know I can get it on Amazon for a lower price. However, in recent weeks I've decided to buy directly from monasteries, convents, and authentically Catholic websites as the money goes straight to them instead of a giant corporation who may be donating some of the money to Planned Parenthood or another questionable place. Yes, that's why I linked the Monastic Diurnal to Clear Creek Abbey, home to awesome Benedictine monks.

Also, I don't know about anyone else but it becomes really hard for me to concentrate on my prayer once again after I get interrupted midway through the prayer. I simply cannot get back into that laser-focus concentration on what I'm reading/praying... and then I get annoyed at the person/interruption. I know they usually don't mean to do it but it's an annoyance I need to work on. Does anyone have a similar problem? Has anyone been able to overcome this problem? Please let me know any tips you may have!

Not much to report on today, beyond the things I talked about...

Wait, no... one cool thing: I received a message about how I have become a founding member to an amazing apostolate started at my home parish. I don't know if I'm able to talk about it but it's something that, as soon as I heard about it, I knew I had to join in. I'll try to see if I can mention if -- I'll ask the person who started the apostolate -- and write about it in a future post. Let's just say that it involves prayer and that I will never know the end results until I (God willing) get to Heaven.

Okay, now I have nothing else to add. lol. The social media fast is going okay. I still don't miss it at all... although Facebook is starting to send me all these emails about how I'm missing out on *this person's* post or *that person's* video. Sorry, Facebook, but this girl is not experiencing any FOMO. Twitter's emails have also begun but they feel less needy. The only issue I'm having is that I still occasionally (accidentally) type in Twitter or Facebook and am greeted by the home page, asking for my username and password before I realize what I've done. "Old habits die hard" indeed!

My phone doesn't get used very much these days. I have it on "Do Not Disturb" or completely off most of the time. To be quite honest, only 3 people have been added to my "favorites" list so that their calls and/or messages can get through... and one of them is my mother. I wasn't kidding when I said I was going to become somewhat of an urban hermit this Lent. Also, I can't believe the battery lasts me all day, especially since it's not getting drained by the Instagram app (my time-waster of choice) or checking social media. I'm still a couple of days from the official "break-up" with it but this trial separation is going well. For now. lol.

Prayer is going well... except for the whole interruption and having to continue later when I can focus again. I added the same St. Therese book I've used for Lent is about 2009-2010 on a whim yesterday. I figured that since she's playing such a big part in my Lenten plans this year, I might as well go for it.

I know Lent has only just begun but, I am curious, has anyone had to remind themselves (more than once) to stop and not fall back into whatever it is that you've given up for Lent? If you're also on social media fast, are you missing it yet?

Alright, it's 6 p.m. I just prayed the Angelus and now I'm going to go pray Vespers in both the MeumBrev app and the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Yes, I pray both during the day.

I hope you all have a lovely day!

As always, thanks for reading and God bless! :)


  1. I can sympathize with being interrupted during prayers. I hate to say it, but using a book doesn't prevent it. People assume you're "just reading" and still interrupt. I have found that if I hold a rosary in one hand and my prayer book or tablet in the other, it cuts out some of the interruptions as many people recognize a rosary as a prayer device. You'll still get some who will come up and ask, "is that a rosary" but I just assume that those are the ones God really wants me to evangelize with. Good luck and I hope you'll be able to get an M.D. soon. I have one from amazon on my ipad that I use when my arthritis is acting up.

    1. I like the idea of holding the Rosary while praying as a signal to others that I'm praying. I'm going to try that. Thanks!

  2. I've been blessed in my efforts of trying to get back to and establish a consistent prayer habit.(God knows how badly I need it, as there's things in my life that need to be sorted.) I'd recommend perhaps specifying before you pray to ask God, members of heaven, your guardian angel, etc. for help in not being disturbed by any kind of interference and for aid in focusing on your prayers, for prayers along side you in this regard.On the note of how Lent is going, I'm already worried and praying to get through this season.I know I'm fortunate in many ways; it's just that I already feel things are being thrown my way.For one thing, I already forgot that I should've abstained from meat today.Since I only recently used social media personally, that's not that big an adjustment. The part that might prove challenging is being informed about news.(Frankly I should take this time as a relief.And there are always other ways to be informed about pressing matters.I'm making it part of my prayers that God handle the world during this time I'm taking off so I'm not as tugged at about things, with FOMO and the like.)Hope and pray you and family are well and blessed during this season.

    1. Things thrown your way to disrupt your Lenten plans is normal so don't worry about that. Just keep doing what you're doing.
