
Monday, January 6, 2014

Music Monday: Classical Music Flash Mobs

I have been on a strong classical music kick lately. I am not sure why but I like it. Anyway, since I've been having a crummy day today (long story short: I am getting treated poorly for no reason) I've been watching classical music flash mobs... just because 1) I love flash mobs and 2) I love classical music. I know some of y'all are also having crummy days (especially with the terrible cold temperatures across most of the country) so here are some of my favorites to (hopefully) cheer y'all up. :)

The first song is one of my favorite songs so I was stoked to see it in a flash mob:

Not technically classical but I love this song. This one is to get your blood pumping. Go ahead and dance like no one's watching. ;)

This isn't classical either but... hello, Star Wars!

Opera. At a mall. Enough said.

Okay, fine, this is swing music but this is one of my favorite songs.

I hope these flash mobs have brightened up your day a little bit. :D

And that's it for now. Yes, that's it. Just wanted to spread a little joy to others. :)

I hope y'all have a wonderful week!

As always, thanks for reading and God bless! :D


  1. Hello Emmy Cecilia, Greetings from London, Great Britain. I found your blog on my friend Richard's blog (Linen on the Hedgerow). I have enjoyed reading your posts and have nominated you for a Sunshine Award. Well done, and enjoy your visit to my blog.

    With Warmest Wishes from Wintry England,

    Mary (O'Regan)

  2. Hello Emmy Cecilia,

    Greetings from London, Great Britain. I've enjoyed reading your post. I found your blog on my friend Richard's blog, Linen on the Hedgerow.

    I am delighted to nominate you for a Sunshine Award. Well done and enjoy visiting my blog.

    Warmest Wishes,

