
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Guess What! No, Not Chicken Butt. Thesis Done!

'Tis done! Everybody conga!!!

Okay, I don't think of myself as a champion but the feeling of finishing a 53 page Thesis (that includes the bibliography) is pretty darn good. Of course, I have no doubt that my Thesis adviser (whom I couldn't get a hold of for a month; yeah, I know) will rip it apart and make me edit or rewrite some sections... but I am done. I only slept 2 hours last night from the excitement and nervousness of having to turn in the hard copy of it today. All those weeks of non-stop work, no social life, and panic attacks was well worth it. I had a lot of fun going through the Vatican documents (I'm such a massive nerd) and doing the research but it was just really time consuming. Factor in the 15 unit course load I have this semester (plus two tough online courses) and... well, you can see why I'm glad I have this huge project done. Now I have to wait to get word from my adviser, rewrite, and hopefully "pass" the Thesis so I can graduate.

It hasn't really hit me that graduation day is only 25 days away. My first final is due this weekend and turning in the Thesis is like my "final" for that "class" so that's two classes down. The rest of my finals (one of which is a 10 page paper on Duke Ellington - piece of cake for this Jazz nerd) are happening in the two weeks. This is it. I'm practically done... and I have no idea what the future will hold for me.

I am not even sure where I will work in the Fall. I am keeping my eyes open at the job listings in the L.A. Archdiocese website because I would like to work here for a year or two before pursuing my Master's outside of the state. I am leaving everything up to God. I trust Him with everything and I know He will show me what He wants me to do.

Anyway, that's it for now. It's just a short update. I have my only class of the day in half an hour and I'm basically a walking zombie today so I am saving my brain cells for the class discussion. I will have a proper post (hopefully) tomorrow, after I've had some sleep. :)

I hope everyone is having a great week thus far!

As always, thanks for reading and God bless!

P.S. For those who want to know and missed it on twitter or Facebook, I ended up giving my Thesis the title "Go and Make Disciples of all Nations: Evangelization Efforts by and for Generation Y Using Catholic New Media."


  1. Whoo hoo! Congrats, friend! *hugs you!* :D

  2. Congratulations on getting that done Emily! I know that must be such a huge relief!

  3. Congrats! It must be such a relief to finally finish.

  4. Congratulations! Will you be making your thesis available for public reading after it's accepted? I work in campus ministry, so it's exactly the sort of thing I'd love to read. Our FOCUS missionaries might be interested, too.

  5. Claire - thanks, doll! :D

    Cookie - thank you. Oh, and my name isn't Emily. lol.

    Athanasius - thanks. Yes, a massive relief.

    Lindsay - I will make only a portion available on this blog. There has been talk of possibly being able to sell the thesis so it all depends on that.
