
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Help Me Pick 2012's Patron Saint

Most of you know the drill: I've picked saints I believe may help me in the upcoming year. I pick them based on what they are patrons of; things (vocations or otherwise) that fit me personally. I tend to also look into the life of the saint during the year in hopes of my learning something new. St. Therese was a HUGE help this year and I thank all of you who voted for her last year. :D

Now, three of the saints have been previous patron saints of this blog but are allowed back on. As long as they were not the previous year's patron saint (meaning no St. Therese [2010] or St. Cecilia [2009] on the list until 2013) they are back on the list.

Bl. Giacomo (James) Alberione (some consider him a patron of Catholic New Media)
Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati (patron of students and youth; patron of this blog in 2008)
Mary, Undoer of Knots (one of the Blessed Virgin Mary's many names)
St. Brigid of Ireland (patroness of scholars and printing presses)
St. Catherine of Alexandria (patroness of teachers and unmarried girls; whom my novel's heroine is named after ;D)
St. Catherine of Siena (patroness of people ridiculed for their piety and against temptations)
St. Dymphna (patroness of those who suffer from anxiety; co-patroness of this blog in 2007)
St. Francis de Sales (patron of teachers and writers)
St. Lucy of Syracuse (patroness of writers and those who suffer from eye problems)
St. Paul the Apostle (patron of writers)
St. Raphael the Archangel (patron of happy meetings, travelers, and youth)
St. Teresa of Avila (patroness of writers and people ridiculed for their piety; co-patroness of this blog in 2007)

The poll (over there on the right hand side --->) will be opened until December 30th at 4 a.m. PST. Odd time, I know, but that's the time I usually wake up. ;) And, I say it's never a popularity contest but it always ends up being so... lol. Just please vote for whomever you think would be a good patron saint for me to have during the year; the one who will help me on my journey. :D Oh, and you may vote for however many saints you want. There is no limit. :D Okay... have fun. ;)

As always, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D


  1. You can't go wrong with any of them! But I vote for St. Lucy...not just because she's my Confirmation saint, but because she was literally on fire with love for God, and we could all use a spark. Her name means light, and she's shed light on so many things in my life. I am sure she will do the same for you.

    Anyway: my vote is for St Lucy! But I will be praying that the patron is chosen by the Holy Spirit above all! :)

  2. I have my own person patron saints but I like to get a new one each other to help better an aspect of myself or my Faith.

    And thank you for your vote. :D
