Thursday, January 13, 2011

Just a Simple Request

I took this picture from my school. Isn't it pretty? Too bad the same can't be said for what goes on inside...

Posting will hopefully resume tomorrow (Friday) but can y'all do me a little favor and just pray for me? I'm in the first week back to classes at the CINO college and, well, let's say that they've managed to outdo themselves (in terms of what is being taught) in just four day (thus far). I will explain all but if y'all can pray for my sanity as well as being prepared to defend the Faith whenever it is attacked, I'd greatly appreciate it. Details will come soon... trust me. lol.

Thanks in advance!


Mike said...

Will do! Keep the chin up. God calls us to different places, some of which we don't understand why. He's using you for good to come out of it!

Emmy Marie-Therese said...

Thanks, Mike. I definitely offer up the experiences.

Patrick Madrid said...

You can count on my prayers, dear. Hang in there and God bless you.