Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Quick Update Thingy

I know... I've taken over a week to write. Sorry. I've had one busy week. I spent most of last week out of the house instead of in it. I do have legit things to write about soon. I've made my decision as to where I'll be attending the rest of my college career. I have one more midterm to do, but won't do it until Spring Break is over in 2 weeks. I've got some saint dreams I want to share, as well as some "little" miracles that have happened lately. Dad got back from Mexico this morning and brought me this beautiful chapel veil. I'll hopefully have pictures of it in the next entry. *thinks* Uh, I think that's pretty much it. Thank you to all of you who prayed for my dad during his trip. I heard some scary stories but thank God that he made it back safe and sound. I should probably go finish my English paper. :D

'Til next time, thanks for reading (and for keeping me entertained on twitter :D). God Bless! :D

P.S. Yes, I threw tater tots to everyone on my facebook using the SuperPoke feature. Yes, that includes you too, Matt Warner. lol.


Joe of St. Thérèse said...

Throwing tater tots to me only gets them eaten ;)

Emmy Marie-Therese said...

Haha! I'm trying to start a Superpoke virtual food fight. So far I have a few participants. lol.

Joe of St. Thérèse said...

Are you my facebook friend, lol? i'll play, lol, the link to my profile is at my blog :)

Emmy Marie-Therese said...

I don't believe you're on my list. I'll look for you because I have my privacy settings so that it's easy to find me... not to mention the name is different. You'll see what I mean...