Monday, December 8, 2008

More Exciting News!; Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Someone needs to pinch me! I've had a (nearly) dream week since last Monday... and it keeps on going. Today, after I came home from looking for a parish that had a Mass for today's Feast of the Immaculate Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary (more on this a bit later), I got an e-mail from Positive Media Resources (the same producer of the movie "Bella" - squee!) congratulating me as their new intern. It will be home based internship (doing everything from my computer) because they are currently in Florida and I'm in Los Angeles, but still, VERY exciting! If you read my rant about the lack of good moral films (in July) you will know why I'm excited to do this. :D They are also doing a summer internship here (from their L.A. offices) so hopefully I will have enough experience by then to continue it. :D

So, along with this internship, I will also doing my assistant teaching at the local parish . Thank goodness my course load next semester is fairly light (because I'm done with the lower division requirements) so I can focus on these things.

What a wonderful week. First the call about becoming an T.A., then my mom surprising me with an iPod touch (though, this qualifies as a material thing), getting even more inspiration for the male protagonist of the novel/screenplay I'm working on from a very lovely English gentleman (who is the inspiration for Will's character), working on the novel, AND being caught up with my homework to the point where I could rest... I had a fantastic week. This one is shaping up to be grand as well! Oh yes, and I also received some prayer cards as well as the Pact pledge kit from Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati's official USA website at the end of last week. Uh... amazing week? YES!

I don't know what I did to deserve such wonderful blessings this past week (and I really think I honestly don't deserve everything that's happened) but I am very grateful! And I'm even more happy that this latest bit of good news has come on one of the most important Feast days!

I joined the Blue Movement that's been going around facebook. The Blue Movement is basically us Catholics pledging to wear the color blue (especially the color light blue) today, in honor of Our Mother's Immaculate Conception. I didn't have my light blue shirts clean (heehee, oops), so instead I wore a light blue scarf to class (and will wear it out when I go back out later today).

I tried my hardest to go to Mass today, since it's a day of obligation, but couldn't. :( First Mass (at the nearby Parish) was at 8:30 a.m. which I couldn't attend because my class starts at 9:35 a.m. and it's about a 20 minute drive to this particular campus. I was planning on attending the noon time Mass but my father vetoed the idea... which made me upset. When dad said we could finally go (*shakes head*) I said, we'll be there late... but I guess better late than never. So, we got to the parish... and the Mass had ended right as we were going to park. We drove to another parish and the early Masses had been over with very early. There ARE evening Masses, the last English Mass will be in a couple of hours, but there's absolutely no way I will be able to make it with my anxiety... especially the Spanish Masses. If you haven't been to a Spanish Mass in a big city like this... let's just say the word crowded doesn't even big to describe how it gets. People flood out the doors and are packed in like sardines. *sigh* Well, I tried. I tried and I even got upset when dad refused to take me (ah, the inconvenience of having someone drive you because you can't). And, okay, dad had a good reason for not taking me (I was feeling crummy/lightheaded as well as a bit anxious) but I would've totally "roughed it" and gone -- wonky feeling or not. *sigh* I tried, Blessed Mother... I tried.

Did I mention I also missed Mass yesterday (well, most of it) because of my anxiety? Oh yes. I went early in the morning to avoid arguments later in the day (because of all the soccer matches that dad watched during the day), and made it maybe 15 minutes because of my anxiety. We didn't even go to the parish where we normally go to because they don't offer an English Mass that early. *sigh* But, I can say that I tried to go and I made it through a little bit of it. You will not fully conquer me, anxiety! *pumps fist in the air* lol.

Alright, well, I have things to do so, I shall go do them. As always, thanks for reading and God Bless. :D


Unknown said...

Guilty. I forgot that it was Mary's Our Blessed Mother's Feast Day. I am sorry Blessed Mother.

Who is the Saint to pray to to help you with anxiety? I think you would know what Saint to pray to.

God Bless.

Emmy Marie-Therese said...

It's St. Dymphna. She's the patron saint of all mental disorders including depression.

Delaney said...

Glad you had such a great week! :D What will being an intern for Positive Media Resources involve?

Emmy Marie-Therese said...

Basically, I will be helping them promo new movies. I will be emailing people and whatnot from home.

I want to do the summer internship here in L.A. which will be practically the same but a bit more interactive seeing as how I have to be in the office for that. :D