Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mass, A Walk to Remember, The List, and Boxes Galore.

Okay, first with awesome news. I made it through the ENTIRE Mass without leaving. Not even for a split second! YEAH!!!!! Even better... I sat closer to the altar and I sat in the middle of couples so that it would be tricker to leave. OH YEAH!! Thank you, God! I was so happy and the priest who usually hears my confessions (and knows about my anxiety) saw me and he said he was glad to have seen me. :D I am so proud of myself. Per usual, I went by myself (still working on getting my parents back). I didn't take Eucharist, though I really wanted to :(, because I didn't feel right. Though I was told what I'd done (saying the Lord's name in vain) wasn't mortal because I didn't intentionally do it, I still didn't feel right. But I did pray and ask His forgiveness for what I'd done. Either way, it was awesome and the Mass was lovely. :D

I didn't do much today because of the ridiculous weather. It was hotter than yesterday so I didn't bother going out. I did, however, watch a movie that I've loved since I first saw it. "A Walk to Remember" is awesome and I don't know why it took me years to re-watch it! Yes, it's a chick flick but it's a good one. It definitely helped me clean my tear ducts, that's for sure. Haha. This is one of those movies that never fails to make me cry -- but they're mainly happy tears. It definitely brought back some memories and I just felt completely different (in a good way) afterwards. :) It definitely inspired me to be more like the main character, Jamie Sullivan, in not caring what others think and really giving myself fully to the Lord without excuses for doing so. If you've seen the movie, you know that Jamie (who is played by Mandy Moore) has a list with everything she wants to do. She has things like being in 2 places at once, getting a tattoo, and getting married at the church where her mother grew up in and where her parents married. That got me thinking that I wanted to make a list because, really, I want some new goals to work towards. So, without further ado... THE LIST.

The LIST (In no particular order):
- Attend Mass at the Vatican.
- Make it to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
- Move to a certain Northern European country.
- Visit the places that are connected to my favorite saints.
- Be in 4 places at once (which is very possible).
- Get at least 5 books published -- in different genres.
- Learn at least 2 more languages, and speak them fluently.
- Learn how to drive -- on both the right and left sides of the road.
- Backpack through Europe before I have children.
- Buy my parents a big house in a certain city.

There's more but those are the only ones I can share that aren't too detailed. I won't say what my top 3 are (hint: they're not written on this blog. :D) so don't even try to get them out of me.

So, while I had fun making my list (and plotting how to get future husband to go along with my plans... that Nerd... lol), my dad had the task of going through all the boxes that were packed up during the move. Since we're FINALLY all settled in now, it's time to go through the boxes. Well, dad and mom do 'cause I'm solid. I didn't really pack 'cause I didn't have much stuff to put into boxes. :D Since we're starting new, they (moreso my dad than mom) have to go through everything and say what they do and don't want in the house. It'll probably take them a while but it'll be nice to have things that aren't needed out of the house. :D The only reason I can't help is because I'd tell them to throw everything out (I'm a minimalist) and that wouldn't sit well with dad. lol. Oh well. :D

Alright, so... I'm so sorry to make this entry short but I've got a busy day tomorrow and it started very early. I'm not complaining though, I'm going to enjoy what it planned (I hope ;D). 'Til next time... thanks for reading and God Bless.


Unknown said...

OOOOOhhh, sweeet! I really need to come up with my own list! *laughs*
WOW! I didn't see "Go bungee jumping" on that list! ;) LOL! :P (just kidding)

Whoa, I've been in 4 'states' at the same time! :D
1) a state of confusion
2) a state of humor
3) a state of humiliation
4) a state of love

All in one! :D Does that count?! LOL!!! ;) *laughs*

*hugs* LOVE YA!

Emmy Marie-Therese said...

Haha. Yup, we're definitely sisters. :D

And, I totally wanted to write "Bungee Jump in New Zealand" but I just didn't. It's definitely on the list, though. :D

Hahaha... I believe those 4 states do count as well. :D lol.

Love ya!

Unknown said...

*ROFL* YAYAY! So I've been in 4 states at one time! LOL! I'll have to use that as my new 'bragging line'. ;)

I'd LOVE to bungee jump, but I'm horrified of doing it by myself, I always wanted either a GOOD friend, or my future husband to do it with me. LOL!


Emmy Marie-Therese said...

Hahaha. :D

I really wanted to go it this year, and would've used World Youth Day in Australia as a way to get to NZ, but I'm not even going there so now I'll have to wait. Maybe future husband will want to go do it -- if he hasn't already. lol.

I'm afraid of heights but will so do it anyway. It's like me and those crazy rollercoaster at Magic Mountain. I'm always freaking out while we wait to get on them and then when we're on them I'm all WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha.